About US


Greetings from APKdone.store. Users can obtain APK files for a variety of games and programmes from this website. Please go over the following legal information about your usage of this website before using our services.

Acceptance of the Conditions

You accept responsibility for the terms and conditions stated in this legal disclaimer by visiting or using this website. You must not use our services if you disagree with any aspect of these terms.

Exclusion of Liability

The website https:///apkdone.store disclaims all liability for any losses or damages resulting from the download or use of APK files. Although we work hard to offer trustworthy downloads, we are unable to ensure that any APK file will be accurate, safe, or functioning. Users download content at their own risk from this website.

Rights to Intellectual Property

The developers of each APK file available on this website are the rightful owners of such files. APKdone.store does not assert ownership over any downloaded apps or games. We encourage users to respect developers’ intellectual property rights as well.


Links to Third Parties

There may be links on this website to materials or websites owned by third parties. Any third-party website that is linked to this website is not under the control of this website, and neither is its content, accuracy, or dependability. Any links included do not indicate apkdone’s support. Users use websites owned by third parties at their own risk.

Statement of Privacy

To learn more about how we gather, utilize, and share user information, please read our Privacy Policy. You acknowledge and accept our privacy policy by using this website.

Modifications to the Agreement

This website maintains the right, at any time and without prior notice, to amend or change these terms. You must regularly check these terms for any updates. After changes are posted, using this website continues to signify your acceptance of such changes.

Get in touch with us

Please email us at samanbilalccw@gmail.com if you have any questions or complaints about this legal disclaimer.